Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Violet's new blog

Hey everyone, this is Violet!!! Right now, my new obsession is blogging, but i have a new blog called 'the world of Kai' at http://enteringtheworldofkai.blogspot.com . it would rock if you went there!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hey everyone this is Violet. i've been out for a while but now i'm back... i think. i just wanted to post about our upcoming auditions and such. in a couple of weeks, we (veruca and i) will hopefully be attending the Jimmy Awards. They are the awards for the people who do shows at the place where we do them. (wow that made no sense...) but yes. so we're both hoping to pick up a few awards there. then the next day we are auditioning (hopefully) for the show Honk! Jr. wish us luck!!!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Sorry (veruca)

hey everyone.
weeeeeeeelll, i'm sorry for not posting, but there isn't really anything to post about.
but funny thing, i just ran into the choreographer from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory in a store the other day!!
it was great to see him. =)
i asked what shows were coming up next year, and he said that a good one for me to be in was HONK.
HONK is basically the story of the ugly duckling, but different in some ways. i don't know yet where they're different, but i'll find out soon enough.
Violet's two shows, MathQuest and The Best Christmas Pageant Ever just ended. i only got to see MathQuest, and it was hilarious! i was singing the theme song for the rest of the week!
From what Violet says, BCPE was good, but it had its shortcomings. She said that hardly anyone in the cast knew their lines and the costumes weren't even there until a day before the show. AAAHHH!! that would be the biggest nightmare in the history of nightmares for me. but she says that there were two ADORABLE little girls (she showed me pics of them and they ARE cute!) in the play. i'll get her to tell you more. =)
and again, I'm sooooooo sorry for not posting!

Monday, November 9, 2009

sad news.

sorry everyone, for not posting about auditions. i didn't get in..... sad. well........ 'nuff said. bye!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

miracle on 34th street auditions. (veruca)

hey everyone!
it's veruca.
last night were auditions for Miracle on 34th Street and it was super fun (yet nerve racking). even though i'm almost twelve, i went for the part of Susan. today, i find out if i got in!
this is going to be a whole different scenario for me cuz i've never done a 'non-musical'. instead of singing an audition song, i had to read the cold script. it was different, in a cool way! i'm super nervous........ i'll keep you peeps posted on what part i get (if i get one).

Monday, October 26, 2009

Auditions (veruca)

AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! AUDITIONS FOR Miracle on 34th Street ARE TONIGHT!!!! *pant* *pant* ok. *sigh* i will tell you all about it when i get the chance! bu-bye!

Friday, October 23, 2009


hey everyone. this is violet, here to tell you about my current rehearsals. i am currently doing the play 'Mathquest, AN adventure with numbers'. yes, the 'an' really is capital. look it up. anyway, i am doing this show for field trips in the morning. it is really fun, and the rehearsals take place pretty much all day every day at my favorite place in the world. the story is about a fourthgrader (me, even though i'm not really a fourthgrader) who is having trouble with her math. as soon as her head hits her pillow the night before her big test, she dreams about a place called mathland. all the numbers come to life and show her how to do her math. it's insanely cheesy, but really fun. the cast is small, and i'm the shortest, and the youngest in the show. the crazy boy who played Mike Teavee is in it too. rehearsals are on a break for now, until the 27th, my birthday. (i'll be twelve) by for now, Violet.