Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Violet's new blog

Hey everyone, this is Violet!!! Right now, my new obsession is blogging, but i have a new blog called 'the world of Kai' at http://enteringtheworldofkai.blogspot.com . it would rock if you went there!!!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hey everyone this is Violet. i've been out for a while but now i'm back... i think. i just wanted to post about our upcoming auditions and such. in a couple of weeks, we (veruca and i) will hopefully be attending the Jimmy Awards. They are the awards for the people who do shows at the place where we do them. (wow that made no sense...) but yes. so we're both hoping to pick up a few awards there. then the next day we are auditioning (hopefully) for the show Honk! Jr. wish us luck!!!